Welcome back! Hope all of YOU had the opportunity to catch Chris live on Facebook last Thursday. AND, he will be back live this Thursday at 7:30 pm. Make note of the time change!
If you didn’t catch him last week, you can see him live by clicking https://www.facebook.com/chris.bellamy.94/videos/10221535616552067.
Chris had a fantastic time singing for over an hour and a half. He read every single comment, and made a list of all the requested songs he didn’t get to. So, make sure you are online no later than 7:30 and listen for YOUR special request.
Wait! It gets even better. Chris has a sponsor for this Thursday’s Chris Bellamy Live.
Please say welcome to Jeffery and Tracy Dunn, owners and operators of http://carolinafireprotection.com/. Also, please say thank you to them by checking out their website and their services.
If YOU would like to be a sponsor for a Chris Bellamy Live, just contact Chris via Facebook or his website.
Okay, so, if you have a song you want to hear Chris sing, please post it in comments during his performance. If you do not hear it Thursday, promise he will do his best to have it ready to sing for you next week.
Getting back to last week’s blog, hope you all enjoyed those out-takes we posted as much as we did. If you promise not to tell on me, I am going to try to sneak more of those into the blog in the future.
Hey, if you can’t be a sponsor for Chris, you can still help out by tipping him during the performace. Just click on the venmo or paypal links.
Yep, it’s just that easy and it helps Chris as it would everyone else that has not been able to work, or make a living since March.
So, thank you now for what you are able to contribute.
As another way of saying thank you to you all, sit back and check out this week’s special treat: “The Things We Do.”
Now, that is it for this week. We will see you ALL on Thursday night. Until then, have a great week and stay safe and well.
If you like pelicans, beach photos, or pelicans, click my logo for MY blog of the week – Pelicans: Winged Wonders