The wonderful thing about charts would be the fact they can’t lie. Votes are tallied and the results are concrete. We know that, right?
So, what is this week’s magic number? That would be S-E-V-E-N!! That’s right. “To Always Be Like This” is sitting pretty at #7 this week! Kudos to Chris and many thanks to each of you.

The results in the Central Region are even better with “To Always Be Like This” blasting up to #5.

Now, being #10 on the other charts is not something to sniff about. However, I truly believe we can all get Chris and “To Always Be Like This” pushed all the way up to #1. Don’t you agree? Then let’s do this!
With the state still in Phase 2, still no gigs, but I think we can all see a light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s stay focused on that and keep listening and streaming that song!
Last weekend, Chris participated in a drive by lawn concert. He was on the lawn and gave the concert and anyone driving by had the treat of listening to some excellent Chris Bellamy music! If you and your neighbors would like to host something similar, just let Chris know.
Now, before we sign off this week, how about a little treat. This is a favorite of Chris’ and this version also has his frequent Florida partner, Ken Fradley in it. You’ve surely heard this song in person if you have been to any of Chris’ gigs, but give it a listen again:
Bella begged to not be left out so a big hello from the one, the only Bella!

Well, that’s it for this week. Keep streaming the song, keep checking the fan page for updates on gigs, and keep on being the stupendously wonderful fans and friends that you are!
See you next week. Make it a great week for all!
Vicki from: